Friday, November 28, 2008


Ci si domanda la ragione per cui un numero crescente di giovani e persone di mezza eta' tendano ad allontanarsi dall'affetto per i loro genitori. Si sa che all'eta' fra i 12 e i vent'anni i giovani debbano formare la propria personalita' in contrasto ai propri genitori. E' questo uno sviluppo naturale e necessario per formare un' identita' indipendente. Per eseguire tale processo i giovanissimi cercano ragioni per facilitare il distacco. Trovano pertanto tanti difetti e errori nei loro confronti nel comportamento dei genitori. E' poi normale che ogni critica espressa o solo pensata venga poi risolta nel medio ventennio del giovane. Purtroppo talvolta tale comprensione o risoluzione e perdòno non avvengono a quel tempo per vari motivi: il giovane individuo puo' rimanere immaturo e persistere nel giudicare in maniera sommaria come lo faceva prima dei suoi 21 anni. Un altro intoppo puo' verificarsi qualora il compagno o compagna esercitino un' influenza negativa di suggerimenti e aspettative.
Ci si domanda ora quali possano essere i rimedi.

1. Attendere ancora
2. Perdonare le mancanze subite nella ricerca di una conciliazione.
3. Cercare di comprendere che molti portano una maschera che nasconde una personalità vulnerabile.
4. La connessione madre/padre con i figli va oltre l'esperienza di affetto fisico e va anche oltre la vita stessa. In caso di mancata risoluzione in vita, si dovra' comunque confrontare il problema piú tardi.

Naturalmente ogni caso è unico e unica potrà essere la sua soluzione; ma in linea di massima l' eventuale riconciliazione dovrebbe essere considerata seriamente tenendo presente che questo si può fare se proprio si vuole.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Free Will

Let's imagine that we live during the time when Jesus was accused of setting himself up as the king of the Jews. Say that we believe that Jesus is innocent but we also want him to show his powers and punish his accusers. So we don't react and demand his release. In our minds, He is really a divinely appointed all-powerful king; therefore we are convinced that no one can harm Him. Whether we are Jews or Romans or of any other race or religion doesn't matter: We want to see Jesus ' powers in action.
But he actually dies on the cross! Why?
These days, we may say that He wasn't really divine and therefore he died on the cross as a man. On the other hand, we may say that He was sent by our Creator and that His love for us was so great that He endured His suffering rather than give us a proof of divine might which would rob us of our spiritual freedom of choice between Good and Evil. A freedom of Choice which was the cause of our Fall and now the Way back to our Redemption.

With reference to current events, there may be a widespread longing for direction to a more meaningful life and way to the spiritual. As in the time of Christ, there is a kind of hunger for proof of the existence of God, angels and messiahs, so there is a tendency to let catastrophic events unfold so that a divine intervention becomes a necessity.
But were proof of divine power be given to mankind, the whole purpose of human evolution, which is eventual divine consciousness in spiritual freedom, would utterly fail because mankind would then be unable to choose according to their good will, which must be active without fear or expectation of convenient rewards.

Monday, May 5, 2008

First steps

Many are those who have given up hope of really understanding what may be the reason hidden in their existence. Is there a supreme being somewhere? Is there a way to understand all? Is the attainment of cosmic consciousness possible?
But merely thinking about these questions will not lead to valid conclusions as the answers are not found through the exercise of mental acrobatics. That is possibly why so many major intellects of our times doubt the existence of anything beyond the perceptible world; further, all Sacred Texts seem to fail to satisfy such need. But if we return to the innocence of our infancy, we may be able to have a glimpse of our integral participation in the unfolding mystery of human evolution. For instance, if we try to remember what we felt when we first experienced the beauty of flowers and butterflies, the voice and smiles of our dear ones, the sky and the clouds, our standing up and first steps, our first meaningful words, our first referring to ourselves as “I” instead of the name others had given us, - we may then be able to understand….